Project 12 November: How I view…”Blessings”

So very many things fall under this months project 12 photography Challenge. I can’t believe we’ve almost made an entire year!

Since there are so many ways I’m blessed I am going to share with you images from the top of my “Blessings” list:

Oldest …who drives me crazy and cracks me up in the same moment with her teenagerness! Her  kindness, compassion, and depth of emotion are a true blessing to us 🙂


Youngest..who is getting so much older everyday! She is a constant source of light and laughter with her earnest actions and silly tactics 🙂


Pup dog..who is always happy to see us. She brings joy to our family; we can’t remember life without her.


{and my husband, who likes to be an internet ghost so no shot of him 😉 but who works hard for our family}

I’m very grateful to be blessed with wonderful family and friends who make our lives better everyday.

Thanks for stopping..follow the blog circle of talented photographers to see how Dawne views the project chalenge “Blessings”

2 thoughts on “Project 12 November: How I view…”Blessings”

  1. Pingback: Monthly challenge 2012 I The way I view….. Blessings » Claire Lane Photography

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