The way I view…”Back to school”

Realistically back to school is a super busy time for our family. As an educator I go back  to work the same time as my kids so everything that I had time to do over the summer takes a back burner this month while we incorporate meetings, homework, sports, events, and hobbies!

Day before school photos (hard to take them on the day of; I have to leave really early the first day of school to beat all the parents who drop off kids for a parking spot at work! lol)

Cell phone pixs of this year’s Open House Evening

Youngest is in 6th grade and Oldest is in 8th grade this year making them both middle schoolers. I don’t know where the time went but I do love it when they go to the same school…one open house, one place to go for events, are you seeing the pattern here? This year they’re even in the school choir together so there is only ONE music event to go to..can you tell how much I LOVE it when that happens 😉

Homework time

They do each have thier own extra curricular schedule so we are trying to balance all the running around with the new school work routines!

All the bags and shoes get dropped in the room as soon as they enter! They walk the dog, get ready for whatever is on the list to do that night..ballet, diving, school function, you can see, we’re still a mess..I mean work in progress!

So that’s how I view “Back to school” …in a rushed manner! Now that October is rolling around we’re getting our schedules in order so we should be able to better organize…I hope 😉

Follow the blog circle to see how Katrina views “Back to school” 🙂

2 thoughts on “The way I view…”Back to school”

  1. Pingback: Monthly Challenge 2012 I The way I view….back to school » Claire Lane Photography

  2. Oh Cary, I love the idea of capturing the day before school starts – brilliant! I love how you also captured it in cell phone pics, and their bags — very creative!!

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