Project 12: Happiness in March

Its that time again! Lots of things equal “Happiness” for the project 12 theme, but for the month of March family birthdays and SPRING BREAK top the list!!! This year my birthday was the start of spring break which  was a washout day with tons of rain, still lots of fun with my sweet family. Smiley

We had a “staycation” spring break. It was really nice to spend time without having to run around like crazy people, although we did manage to get into all sorts of stuff around the city! Spending time in the woods, walking the dog, visiting museums, talking to my daughters and husband, and relaxing at the beach were the way I viewed happiness this month:

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Thanks for stopping by to see how I viewed happiness Smiley. Follow the circle and checkout how Dawne viewed hapiness!

6 thoughts on “Project 12: Happiness in March

  1. Pingback: Monthly Challenge 2012 I The way I view……. Happiness » Claire Lane Photography

  2. Staycations are the best! It looks like you guys had a fun-fllled spring break and your images keep getting stronger and stronger each month. I love how your girls look in braids, they are beautiful! You even have a happy dog! 🙂 The beach looks like it was the most fun, happy, and relaxing time of all. Love all of these!

    I also want to thank you for your incredibly kind post on CM during birthday week. I have never been so touched before, thank you!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

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