Project 12..Month 12! The Way I view..Holidays

This post concludes the Clickin Moms monthly project revolving around different themes for 2012. It was so fun participating in the blog circle and am so proud of those of us that were able to make it through all year! So here is my final 2012 project 12 post about How I view: Holidays:

Christmas kind of snuck up on me this year for some reason so cookie baking took place on Christmas Eve day with lots of help from Oldest and Youngest. They took a break to Skype with family across the country. Christmas Eve includes family that lives in town, munching good food, and opening some gifts. Christmas Morning starts at dark thirty with the pickle ornament hunt and the rest of gift opening. It is always such a joy to watch the girls, they so enjoy both the giving and getting 🙂

New Year’s Eve is very family focused for us, involving food, fireworks, and fun. We devoured some delicious and not so nutritious foods (hot wings for youngest, delicioso pulled pork– I tweaked the recipe a bit by adding a jalapeno and chipoltle in adobo sauce instead of the green awesome- for non fire breathers, and decadent desserts!)Youngest is our firework monster so despite the rain and fog out she went to blow some things was very short lived since it started to pour but she was happy! We then started to compete in our family “Minute to Win it tournament..of Doom!” These little games were way more challenging than expected 😀 but lots of fun!

Finally New Year’s Day is never complete without my husband taking a noon polar bear plunge! When we lived in the Northern part of the country this was a much crazier thing, however despite Christmas being 75 degrees, we hit a rapid plunge in temps so the 20 mph winds and 47 degree temps qualified as cold 🙂 Last year Youngest did it too but it was actually cold today so she opted to be a fan instead :). We follow his annual plunge by trying out a local restaurant, this year’s choice was a winner since I can hardly wait to have the blackened mahi-mahi sandwich again lol!

Thanks for taking a moment and checking out how I viewed the holidays. Follow the blog circle to see how Dawne views the Holidays. I hope you continue to visit my blog through 2013 as I embark on some more fun projects 🙂 Happy 2013!

5 thoughts on “Project 12..Month 12! The Way I view..Holidays

  1. Yay!!! You did it, Cary!!! I’m so proud of you! I loved following along with you as you “Viewed” the themes. You have such fun traditions. I want to know more about the Pickle Ornament Hunt! LOVE the Minute to Win It games and your NYE traditions too. What a wonderful family you have!

    • Thanks Holly! Right back at you 🙂 The girl who finds the pickle ornament first Xmas am gets to chose the extra ” pickle” gift first lol. I’m excited for the 2013 circle! Thanks for all of your encouragement, truly appreciated.

  2. Pingback: Monthly Challenge 2012 I The way I view… Holidays » Claire Lane Photography

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